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Yom Kippur Services and breakfast

Yom Kippur is the one day a year when we all become masters of reinvention. Discard the old definitions and ascend to a higher, deeper part of who we are.

 Spend Yom Kippur with us at the Lubavitch Center synagogue as we pray, sing, talk, think, and feel our way through this sacred day carved in time.

 Oh, and after all is said and done - bagels + lox and all the fixings.

 All are welcome to join free of charge!

FAST BEGINS - October 11 6:16 pm

KOL NIDREI - October 11 6:30 pm

SHACHARIT - 9:30 am

YIZKOR - 12:00 pm

 NEILAH - 6:00 pm

BREAK-FAST - 7:12 pm


August 2

Shabbat Dinnner

October 16

Sukkot Dinner